两个疯子,两只麦克风,6小时non stop 飚歌
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
On a Johor public holiday...

Hong Kok, Vivian, Me and Kelvin
It had been a while since we all meet together...
We had our lunch at Nando's @ Tebrau City coz it looks comfy... good location for us to sit and chat. Basically it was a good gathering... Lots of gossips and laughter.

Anyway, I thought this was a chicken without a head.
I was a bit curious at first coz was wondering the reason behind the missing chicken head.
My logic was:
Nando's sells chicken
This thing looks like a chicken body
Therefore this thing = chicken
I bodoh went and ask my pals why this chicken got no head.
Their response was first silence...then hysterical laughter
Coz it was a chilli.
Yeah it does look like a chilli instead of a decapitated chicken....my bad...
Anyway it was a great outing... Hope we can go out again!!!!
We are all grown ups now!
Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Nuttin' But Stringz

Was watching America's Got Talent on TV yesterday.
Wanted to search for a martial arts group call the Sideswipe on Youtube coz their performance was awesome.
Instead me and my sis came across this violinist duo called Nuttin' But Stringz.
I like instrumental music
I like hiphop
I like classical music
I like jazz
Therefore when instrumental + hip hop + classical + jazz
The result is FREAKIN' AWESOME MUSIC!!!!!
These two brothers are just so talented
Two thumbs up for Damien and Tourie Escobar (I would have given them 10 thumbs if i have... but then that will ultimately make me a freak myself)
The song 'Thunder' was featured in their first album... Fantastic music...
I wanted to upload it here but there are some html errors ... sigh
Anyway I listened to a couple of their songs on Youtube and fell in love with the songs including 'Dance With My Father', 'Broken Sorrow' and 'Suka 4 her'...
I am officially declaring that I am gonna try to get their albums!!!!!!!!!!
I love violin!!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Red Tape
Being recruit into the government service is a hassle.
Lots of red tape...
A simple medical checkup can be complicated like hell.
Things are actually very simple, but the system makes it difficult...
When I recieved my Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam letter, I was over the top. Finally I can get things done after such a long wait...
Among the things needed to be done is the medical check up.
I thought it is gonna be fast and easy. Coz the form is basically very simple.
I first went to Klinik Kesihatan Kempas coz it is a bigger place and there is an x ray department there.
On my first visit the nurse told me to come early the next day, say about 8am.
On the second visit the registration ppl told me I can't do my medical checkup there because my postcode belongs to Skudai, and I need to go to Klinik Kesihatan TUTA. I tried to reason with them, saying that I am already here and it is more difficult for me to go to TUTA.
But no, the nurse said that their clinic is overloaded with patients and even if she put me through, the doctors will be complaining.
I brought my document to Klinik Kesihatan TUTA.
Horrible place.
It is located in a shoplot, about 2 units big.
The space is so small that I felt suffocated.
Worse, there was no place to sit and wait that I ended up sitting on an abandoned gurney.
Finally the nurse got me to do some simple tests, but I was told that I can only see the doctor after 2 weeks because of the urine drug test that they need to send.
Well it was acceptable.
But then, I was told to do my x ray at Hospital Sultanah Aminah.
So on day three I drove all the way to town, got lost in the hospital, and finally gotten my X ray done.
The x ray need a formal reporting from a radiologist. And apparently it takes about 3 days.
So I was told to leave my x ray there and collect it next week.
Last night my friend told me we need to go and see a dentist for one of the small section in the medical report. Her doctor refused to sign for that section because 'checking for dental carries is under dental care, not medical care'.
My friend said that initially she went to Klinik Kesihatan at Putrajaya and was told to come back in 3 months time because they are too booked.
Is this acceptable?????
Now that I can't do anything about it, I just hope that my drug test will come back on time and I won't be going for my induction until everything is done.
Cross my fingers and toes
Lots of red tape...
A simple medical checkup can be complicated like hell.
Things are actually very simple, but the system makes it difficult...
When I recieved my Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam letter, I was over the top. Finally I can get things done after such a long wait...
Among the things needed to be done is the medical check up.
I thought it is gonna be fast and easy. Coz the form is basically very simple.
I first went to Klinik Kesihatan Kempas coz it is a bigger place and there is an x ray department there.
On my first visit the nurse told me to come early the next day, say about 8am.
On the second visit the registration ppl told me I can't do my medical checkup there because my postcode belongs to Skudai, and I need to go to Klinik Kesihatan TUTA. I tried to reason with them, saying that I am already here and it is more difficult for me to go to TUTA.
But no, the nurse said that their clinic is overloaded with patients and even if she put me through, the doctors will be complaining.
I brought my document to Klinik Kesihatan TUTA.
Horrible place.
It is located in a shoplot, about 2 units big.
The space is so small that I felt suffocated.
Worse, there was no place to sit and wait that I ended up sitting on an abandoned gurney.
Finally the nurse got me to do some simple tests, but I was told that I can only see the doctor after 2 weeks because of the urine drug test that they need to send.
Well it was acceptable.
But then, I was told to do my x ray at Hospital Sultanah Aminah.
So on day three I drove all the way to town, got lost in the hospital, and finally gotten my X ray done.
The x ray need a formal reporting from a radiologist. And apparently it takes about 3 days.
So I was told to leave my x ray there and collect it next week.
Last night my friend told me we need to go and see a dentist for one of the small section in the medical report. Her doctor refused to sign for that section because 'checking for dental carries is under dental care, not medical care'.
My friend said that initially she went to Klinik Kesihatan at Putrajaya and was told to come back in 3 months time because they are too booked.
Is this acceptable?????
Now that I can't do anything about it, I just hope that my drug test will come back on time and I won't be going for my induction until everything is done.
Cross my fingers and toes
I'm Officially Registered!!!!!
Is This True????

My sis just told me, Michael Jackson had passed away last night...
Heart attack, the media reported.
Is this true? How shocking this is to the whole world...
He had been a legend, and although I had never been a fan of him nor his nose, I do like his music.
He had been a man of controversy, always in the headlines for the wrong reason since a few years back.
I still can't believe he is gone...
Life is really unexpected
Life is fragile, you never know what's gonna happen next
下午没什么事做,就小睡一下 zzz
下午没什么事做,就小睡一下 zzz
The Young and The Carefree

These pics were taken when I was in second year =)
Preclinical years are boring... very boring
There is nothing worst than sitting in a classroom listening to the lecturers ranting away from 8am to 4pm...
I never really listened anyway =p
My biggest joy was to fool around with my equally nonsensical friends. I still remember a game that we played call 'battle of the chairs'. Poor chairs. Those comfy pink chairs with wheels... We each sat on a chair and cruise around the classroom trying to catch the other person... And poor Emily usually will crash into the wall, an act that is a favorite of Ian Hung.
Come to think of it, it's kinda like primary school
I used to take a lot of pictures randomly when I was in preclinical years. Looking at those pictures just bring back the smile on my face... I guess I really played too much, coz my results were not that good back then...haha... But no regrets here
Thanks to Emily and Ian Hung, who never fail to create a playground in our serious classroom
Hip Hip Hooray to all the right sided backbenchers!!
Our favorite hobby in class: Sleep
Thursday, June 25, 2009
我和他并不深交,平时也没什么交谈。他是我大二时认识的一位男生,是civil engineering的学生。我对他印象深刻,是因为他曾经追过我的室友。大三时因为都在医院上课,也就没再和他见面。
我和他并不深交,平时也没什么交谈。他是我大二时认识的一位男生,是civil engineering的学生。我对他印象深刻,是因为他曾经追过我的室友。大三时因为都在医院上课,也就没再和他见面。
Oh my gosh!

Came across this picture collage that I created a while ago.
Oh my gosh what was I doing?????
Can you guess what is that part that I was kissing?
Anatomical name : Gluteus maximus
Layman term : Butt
Well thinking back on that particular day I think me and my coursemates really had a lotta fun in the supposedly serious and quiet Bilik Ibnu Sina. We were first year med students who had nothing better to do. A bunch of us raided the room and tortured the poor mannequins... Sorry my mannequins... We were too young to appreciate you...hehe...
But it was a really fun day... and although kissing a butt isn't entirely a very pleasant thing to look at, I do love this pic... haha...
I was 19, and it is acceptable to be crazy... (@^0^@)
How are you my friends?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Useless faculty part I
I am officially declaring, I HATE my faculty...
For those who doesn't know, I am the alumni of School of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
When i first joined the school 5 years ago, the administration was bad. But it was forgivable, for our school is relatively new (I was the second batch of guinea pigs~). Students were the victims of the disorganized staff.
5 years. And everything is still the same.
An infant become a toddler in 5 years.
A teenager become an adult in 5 years.
A med student become a doctor in 5 years.
5 years, a VERY long time for a person to learn, to change, to correct their mistakes.
But unfortunately, our faculty staff are forever trapped in the past. They never learn.
5 years ago we had a problem with our loan (PTPTN) because the faculty did not send our results to the university administration. The reason was that our system is different and we do not have 2 semesters per year like the other students.
We repeatedly complain to the staff 'abang, kami ni ambil PTPTN, kena hantar result setiap semester. Kalau tidak hantar nanti kami tak dapat loan untuk tahun seterusnya... Setiap semester pun mesti hantar ya...'
'Ya ya ya' is the usual reply. Or, better still 'Sorry la dik problem ni bukan saya punya cawangan, kamu kena pergi tanya siapa-siapa yang in charge tu. Tapi saya pun tidak tau siapa orang tu'. WTH. There were only less than 200 students, with a total number of 10 staff. 10 staff and you can't remember their departments?
Well, the story does not end here.
Because for the next 5 years that i was in the university, we had to face the EXACT same problem EVERY SINGLE YEAR. I simply can't understand their way of working. The person in charge has not been changed, the system is still the same, the complaints are the same. So why in the world can't they learn???????????
Even the lady working in PTPTN was pissed off. She too was fed up with our constant problems.
When i finally left the faculty one month ago, i was just soooooooo relieved. For I thought I am finally free of the problems caused by their laziness or whatever it is. But I was wrong.
Well, the story is that I am eligible for a scholarship from PTPTN because my result is in the category of first class honors. But as a medical student, our results are not categorized. For us there is only 'pass' or 'fail'. In order for me to obtain the scholarship, the faculty has to send a letter to PTPTN for me, stating that my result is equivalent to first class honors, simple as that.
One month ago one of my other friend told me to phone a certain staff as she already told the staff (let's say....Miss S) about it and the Miss S promised to send for us. So when I called Miss S she was like 'Ha? Tak ada la dik... Itu masalah saya tak pernah dengar pun...baik kamu tanya balik Mr L'. But when we asked Mr L he said Miss S is in charged!
I was filled with anger and frustration that time. This is a $$ business and they better don't fool around with it. I decided then that I will go personally to the faculty and demand for the letter and SEND IT MYSELF. This is a 35 thousand ringgit scholarship and I am not gonna let them ruin it for me... The staff just cannot be trusted with important things... And I really can't understand it... Can you??
When will they learn?
For those who doesn't know, I am the alumni of School of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
When i first joined the school 5 years ago, the administration was bad. But it was forgivable, for our school is relatively new (I was the second batch of guinea pigs~). Students were the victims of the disorganized staff.
5 years. And everything is still the same.
An infant become a toddler in 5 years.
A teenager become an adult in 5 years.
A med student become a doctor in 5 years.
5 years, a VERY long time for a person to learn, to change, to correct their mistakes.
But unfortunately, our faculty staff are forever trapped in the past. They never learn.
5 years ago we had a problem with our loan (PTPTN) because the faculty did not send our results to the university administration. The reason was that our system is different and we do not have 2 semesters per year like the other students.
We repeatedly complain to the staff 'abang, kami ni ambil PTPTN, kena hantar result setiap semester. Kalau tidak hantar nanti kami tak dapat loan untuk tahun seterusnya... Setiap semester pun mesti hantar ya...'
'Ya ya ya' is the usual reply. Or, better still 'Sorry la dik problem ni bukan saya punya cawangan, kamu kena pergi tanya siapa-siapa yang in charge tu. Tapi saya pun tidak tau siapa orang tu'. WTH. There were only less than 200 students, with a total number of 10 staff. 10 staff and you can't remember their departments?
Well, the story does not end here.
Because for the next 5 years that i was in the university, we had to face the EXACT same problem EVERY SINGLE YEAR. I simply can't understand their way of working. The person in charge has not been changed, the system is still the same, the complaints are the same. So why in the world can't they learn???????????
Even the lady working in PTPTN was pissed off. She too was fed up with our constant problems.
When i finally left the faculty one month ago, i was just soooooooo relieved. For I thought I am finally free of the problems caused by their laziness or whatever it is. But I was wrong.
Well, the story is that I am eligible for a scholarship from PTPTN because my result is in the category of first class honors. But as a medical student, our results are not categorized. For us there is only 'pass' or 'fail'. In order for me to obtain the scholarship, the faculty has to send a letter to PTPTN for me, stating that my result is equivalent to first class honors, simple as that.
One month ago one of my other friend told me to phone a certain staff as she already told the staff (let's say....Miss S) about it and the Miss S promised to send for us. So when I called Miss S she was like 'Ha? Tak ada la dik... Itu masalah saya tak pernah dengar pun...baik kamu tanya balik Mr L'. But when we asked Mr L he said Miss S is in charged!
I was filled with anger and frustration that time. This is a $$ business and they better don't fool around with it. I decided then that I will go personally to the faculty and demand for the letter and SEND IT MYSELF. This is a 35 thousand ringgit scholarship and I am not gonna let them ruin it for me... The staff just cannot be trusted with important things... And I really can't understand it... Can you??
When will they learn?
Fickle Minded Me
This is a brand new blog for me... I've decided to start off fresh again...to celebrate my brand new life.
My bf always said that I am the lifeform of Little Miss Fickle, somebody who just can't make up her mind... To a certain extent i do agree, coz i can be quite indecisive at times. He gave me several examples to highlight his point, and this is one of it.
Me : I feel hungry la...
Him : Eat la
Me : Dunno what to eat
Him : Mm what you feel like eating?
Me :Dunno what to eat...feel like want to eat everything
Him : How bout McD?
Me : Duwan la... just ate it few days ago
Him : So you dun want fast food?
Me : I guess
Him : So... eat char kuey tiow?
Me : Very far la
Him : Claypot yee mee? quite near
Me : Mm....can also
Him : What you mean? So you want it?
Me : Ok la...
Him : Ok I pick you up in 10 minutes time
Me : Ok...
(In the car)
Me : Eh duwan la
Him : Duwan what
Me : Duwan yee mee la... dun feel like eating it
Him : Then???
Me : We eat McD la
Him : ...
Me : ...
Him : I thought you duwan McD
Me : Ya la
Him : So??
Me : Never mind duwan eat la... Not hungry also
Him : ...
Him : ...
Well, this is how i am, most of the time... I just can't make up my mind, which is kinda annoying, even to me (and I drive my bf crazy)... That's why i hate making decisions whenever I go out with my friends (NEVER try asking me where to go or what to eat, you'll regret it)
In my profession I can't afford to be indecisive. But most of the time i am quite sharp in my work... Only my personal life is a mess...hehe...
I wish i won't be so indecisive...=)
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