Came across this picture collage that I created a while ago.
Oh my gosh what was I doing?????
Can you guess what is that part that I was kissing?
Anatomical name : Gluteus maximus
Layman term : Butt
Well thinking back on that particular day I think me and my coursemates really had a lotta fun in the supposedly serious and quiet Bilik Ibnu Sina. We were first year med students who had nothing better to do. A bunch of us raided the room and tortured the poor mannequins... Sorry my mannequins... We were too young to appreciate you...hehe...
But it was a really fun day... and although kissing a butt isn't entirely a very pleasant thing to look at, I do love this pic... haha...
I was 19, and it is acceptable to be crazy... (@^0^@)
How are you my friends?
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