You know how it is like when you gotta start anew, whether it is starting school, starting a new semester, starting work etc, and you need to buy new things?
All new things are shinny and nice...
But when you are forced to buy something just for some 6 day kursus, all you can hear is the weeping sound of your bank account
Because of the stupid dress code of my BTN, I actually HAVE to buy LONG BLACK SKIRT, LONG SLEEVE T SHIRTS, LONG SLEEVE WHITE SHIRT that I know I ain't gonna wear them again... Ok maybe the white shirt will come in handy but definitely NOT the long black skirt
I phoned the organizing committee that day to clear my confusion
Me : Kak, dalam surat tu tulis kena pakai skirt panjang warna hitam
She : Ya betul, ikut surat saja
Me : Kalau pakai seluar slacks hitam panjang tak boleh ke
She : Tak boleh la... untuk induksi boleh tapi BTN kena pakai skirt
What kinda silly rule is this
I really wanna ask her what is the rationale behind it
Anyway I finally bought all my stuff today at Jusco
After testing on the white shirt and black long skirt, I only got one thing in my mind
I look like a choir singer
The picture is so ugly that I refuse to upload it here
There goes my plan to buy a new bag
Oh ya THANK GOODNESS I already got a pair of black shoes from Clarks that I bought some time ago when I have the money to spend
If not, I think I will really conduct a funeral for my bank account d
Dah lah now I already got no funds from PTPTN
I need money... desperately
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The truth about getting old
I'm getting old
Not just physically, but mentally as well
Sombody said to me, you are not getting old, you are getting older
I noticed it when the way I view things are no longer the same
When I can have an intellectual talk about politics with my family and friends
When the books I read are evolving from chic lit to autobiography
When the section in newspaper that interest me is no longer the entertainment section
When I find the Gotcha calls boring and stupid
When I am no longer interested in the personal lives of other people
When I prefer to spend more quality time with people I care about
When I begin to take interest in the discovery channels and news
When I stop penning down in my diary every single small details of my life , and start writing more about things I think about
When I narrow down my social circle to just a few people that matters
I can definitely say that I am much more mature now
The thing is, when I look at teenagers nowadays, with their colourful attire and love for soft toys and boys, do I feel envious?
The answer is that I do, I really do
I had always felt that the best years of my life was when I am still a secondary school student
I feel sad that I can no longer return to those days
Those days when life ain't so complicated and everybody is your friend
I wish I can be a teenager again is what I kept telling myself
This is kinda ironic, because when I was 16 I can't wait to grow up and have a car and a job
Recently, I read a book call Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom (who also wrote The Five People You Meet In Heaven and For One More Day)
I won't review the whole book here in this post but there is this particular chapter about dealing with aging
7 pages, and it gave me great insight to the reality of aging
I am not as old as Morrie, who was way past 70 in the book
But every word in that chapter brought realization to myself
I have not yet reach the stage that I fear aging, but to some extent I tend to keep looking back and being drawn to the life I had, instead of focusing on the life I have
All younger people should know, if you're always battling against getting older, you're always gonna be unhappy
This is a statement from the book
And it is so true
I realised that I had been a teenager once
I had my time and experience of being the ignorant and innocent self
Now is my time to be in my mid twenties, to work, to earn money, and maybe to have my own family
I have to keep looking forward, and find what is good and true and beautiful in my life now
Oh god I sound so old... >_<
Haha... reading a book like this always makes me think too much
Yes I am getting older, more mature, maybe wiser
But I know part of me will always be young at heart, especially my love for silly cartoons =)
How can I be envious of where you are, when I've been there myself? (Tuesdays With Morrie, Mitch Albom)
Not just physically, but mentally as well
Sombody said to me, you are not getting old, you are getting older
I noticed it when the way I view things are no longer the same
When I can have an intellectual talk about politics with my family and friends
When the books I read are evolving from chic lit to autobiography
When the section in newspaper that interest me is no longer the entertainment section
When I find the Gotcha calls boring and stupid
When I am no longer interested in the personal lives of other people
When I prefer to spend more quality time with people I care about
When I begin to take interest in the discovery channels and news
When I stop penning down in my diary every single small details of my life , and start writing more about things I think about
When I narrow down my social circle to just a few people that matters
I can definitely say that I am much more mature now
The thing is, when I look at teenagers nowadays, with their colourful attire and love for soft toys and boys, do I feel envious?
The answer is that I do, I really do
I had always felt that the best years of my life was when I am still a secondary school student
I feel sad that I can no longer return to those days
Those days when life ain't so complicated and everybody is your friend
I wish I can be a teenager again is what I kept telling myself
This is kinda ironic, because when I was 16 I can't wait to grow up and have a car and a job
Recently, I read a book call Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom (who also wrote The Five People You Meet In Heaven and For One More Day)
I won't review the whole book here in this post but there is this particular chapter about dealing with aging
7 pages, and it gave me great insight to the reality of aging
I am not as old as Morrie, who was way past 70 in the book
But every word in that chapter brought realization to myself
I have not yet reach the stage that I fear aging, but to some extent I tend to keep looking back and being drawn to the life I had, instead of focusing on the life I have
All younger people should know, if you're always battling against getting older, you're always gonna be unhappy
This is a statement from the book
And it is so true
I realised that I had been a teenager once
I had my time and experience of being the ignorant and innocent self
Now is my time to be in my mid twenties, to work, to earn money, and maybe to have my own family
I have to keep looking forward, and find what is good and true and beautiful in my life now
Oh god I sound so old... >_<
Haha... reading a book like this always makes me think too much
Yes I am getting older, more mature, maybe wiser
But I know part of me will always be young at heart, especially my love for silly cartoons =)
How can I be envious of where you are, when I've been there myself? (Tuesdays With Morrie, Mitch Albom)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Induksi and BTN
My letter for induction finally came today...
After much waiting... and waiting... and waiting...
Kursus Induksi Dan Kenegaraan
Tarikh: 19 hingga 24 Julai 2009
Tempat: Teluk Batik Resort, Lumut, Perak
Now THAT is far... Still wondering how am I gonna get to that place...
Anyway I am really having these mixed feelings now
Sad that my holidays are gonna end soon, really soon
Excited that I'm finally gonna join the working force
Scared when I think about which hospital I'm gonna get, I want KK, please!!!!!
Sigh... Mixed feelings
Anyway I am still waiting to hear from my other friends... Hopefully we all get the same place together
Oh and another thing, these kinda kursus usually have those stupid dress code thingy
Keperluan and peralatan kursus modul kenegaraan:
- Blaus putih lengan panjang
- Kain/ skirt panjang berwarna hitam
- Baju kurung putih
Wow we will really be looking like a bunch of waiters and waitresses
Looks like I will be needing to buy some stuff for my kursus... LONG BLACK SKIRT
I hope I can find skirt that is long enough for me =)
Lastly, we will be sitting for exams during this kursus...
Exams...things about our country's history, dasar utama, program pembangunan negara etc etc
It's like pengajian am all over again
Wish me luck!
After much waiting... and waiting... and waiting...
Kursus Induksi Dan Kenegaraan
Tarikh: 19 hingga 24 Julai 2009
Tempat: Teluk Batik Resort, Lumut, Perak
Now THAT is far... Still wondering how am I gonna get to that place...
Anyway I am really having these mixed feelings now
Sad that my holidays are gonna end soon, really soon
Excited that I'm finally gonna join the working force
Scared when I think about which hospital I'm gonna get, I want KK, please!!!!!
Sigh... Mixed feelings
Anyway I am still waiting to hear from my other friends... Hopefully we all get the same place together
Oh and another thing, these kinda kursus usually have those stupid dress code thingy
Keperluan and peralatan kursus modul kenegaraan:
- Blaus putih lengan panjang
- Kain/ skirt panjang berwarna hitam
- Baju kurung putih
Wow we will really be looking like a bunch of waiters and waitresses
Looks like I will be needing to buy some stuff for my kursus... LONG BLACK SKIRT
I hope I can find skirt that is long enough for me =)
Lastly, we will be sitting for exams during this kursus...
Exams...things about our country's history, dasar utama, program pembangunan negara etc etc
It's like pengajian am all over again
Wish me luck!
Monday, July 6, 2009
不喜欢在满满的停车场里找位子,因为我的parking skills真的很差
不喜欢在满满的停车场里找位子,因为我的parking skills真的很差
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
I love reading
My taste is constantly changing, and I read different types of books depending on my mood
Currently my mood is being set to 'thinking mode'
I like books that are thought provoking
Books that leave me thinking long after I finish it
The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom is one of those books.

It is a very small book
Only 231 pages long
I can fit that book into my white coat pocket... Coz it is the same size as my Sarawak Handbook of Emergencies =)
"All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time''
Eddie is the main character in this story, who died on his 83th birthday
In his afterlife he met with 5 person in Heaven, who are directly or indirectly involved in his life. They are there to answer his questions of his life, to change his thinking.
This book is written in very simple language
There are no fancy sentences, no bombastic words
Everything is easy to read, and easy to understand
As simple as this story is, it is nontheless a powerful book
There are many lessons to learn
I see it as a miracle book, written by a genius author
It imparts words of wisdom to its readers
This book is so fantastic that I simply cannot find the right words to describe it. And to describe more will be a spoiler for those who has not read the book before =)
This is a modern classic
I love it
"Each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one" (The Five Person You Meet In Heaven, Mitch Albom)
My taste is constantly changing, and I read different types of books depending on my mood
Currently my mood is being set to 'thinking mode'
I like books that are thought provoking
Books that leave me thinking long after I finish it
The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom is one of those books.

It is a very small book
Only 231 pages long
I can fit that book into my white coat pocket... Coz it is the same size as my Sarawak Handbook of Emergencies =)
"All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time''
Eddie is the main character in this story, who died on his 83th birthday
In his afterlife he met with 5 person in Heaven, who are directly or indirectly involved in his life. They are there to answer his questions of his life, to change his thinking.
This book is written in very simple language
There are no fancy sentences, no bombastic words
Everything is easy to read, and easy to understand
As simple as this story is, it is nontheless a powerful book
There are many lessons to learn
I see it as a miracle book, written by a genius author
It imparts words of wisdom to its readers
This book is so fantastic that I simply cannot find the right words to describe it. And to describe more will be a spoiler for those who has not read the book before =)
This is a modern classic
I love it
"Each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one" (The Five Person You Meet In Heaven, Mitch Albom)
My Favorite Book

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
I randomly picked up this book 2 years ago at Popular bookstore in KK
I still remember that I just finished my end of posting exam and was gonna spend my one week holiday in KK itself. I needed something to read, to occupy my time
There was no particular reason that I chose the book
I finished reading it in 2 days time
The powerful words just kept me captivated, and I couldn't stop reading.
People, this is THE book to read
My Sister's Keeper
A story about love, responsibility, and about who is to judge what is right or wrong, about truth, about a mother's love
It is a mixture of medical facts, courtroom drama and family conflicts
This is my favorite book
"I want to sue them for the rights to my own body."
This is a story about Anna, a 13 year old girl who had one day decided to sue her parents. She was concieved as a bone marrow match for her sister who has leukemia. One day she suddenly wonder about her purpose of living...Is she as loved as her sister? Or is she just a vessel for her sister's living?
This book is amazing
This book is about moral dilemma
The storyline is tense, emotional and full of insight
It is a heartbreaking story and will leave readers with tears
I strongly recommend this book to anybody who is looking for something to read
Trust me, you will love the story
The movie is coming out soon this year... starring Cameron Diaz and Abigail Breslin
I read that the story will be altered, but still captivating as the book
I hope I won't be disappointed by the movie coz was anticipating it since the announcement of its making

My Sister's Keeper is a must-read, trust me
"I take her with me, wherever I go" (My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult)
Final Destination?

Ever watched the movie 'Final Destination'? It was a movie made in the year 2000, when I was form 4.
In the movie, this guy and his friends managed to escape a fatal plane crash because he had some kinda premonition. They cheated death, or they thought so... until death found them. They were all killed one by one, in a sequence that they were supposed to die if they were on the plane.
It was kinda freaky. So they are all destined to die.
The poster of the movie read ' YOU CAN'T CHEAT DEATH'

Anyway, remember Air France Flight 447 that crashed into the Atlantic ocean on 1st June 2009?
Johanna Ganthaler and her husband, both Italians, were on holiday in Brazil and were supposed to be on the doomed Flight 447. They arrived late at the airport and missed the flight. They were very lucky to be alive.
A week later, this couple was involved in a car accident.
Johanna was killed on the spot.
Her husband, seriously injured.
FREAKY!!!!!! This is so FREAKY!!!!!
And creepy too
Final Destination in real life??????
When I read the news, my eyes nearly popped out of my socket.
Everybody was talking about how lucky both of them were, to escape the horrible plane crash. But in the end... Oh my I just don't know what to say...
May Johanna and all the other 228 victims of the crash rest in peace
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