My taste is constantly changing, and I read different types of books depending on my mood
Currently my mood is being set to 'thinking mode'
I like books that are thought provoking
Books that leave me thinking long after I finish it
The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom is one of those books.

It is a very small book
Only 231 pages long
I can fit that book into my white coat pocket... Coz it is the same size as my Sarawak Handbook of Emergencies =)
"All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time''
Eddie is the main character in this story, who died on his 83th birthday
In his afterlife he met with 5 person in Heaven, who are directly or indirectly involved in his life. They are there to answer his questions of his life, to change his thinking.
This book is written in very simple language
There are no fancy sentences, no bombastic words
Everything is easy to read, and easy to understand
As simple as this story is, it is nontheless a powerful book
There are many lessons to learn
I see it as a miracle book, written by a genius author
It imparts words of wisdom to its readers
This book is so fantastic that I simply cannot find the right words to describe it. And to describe more will be a spoiler for those who has not read the book before =)
This is a modern classic
I love it
"Each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one" (The Five Person You Meet In Heaven, Mitch Albom)
mama..u r damn good so many story wonder ur english so good also..haha..unlike me, everyday just noe how to watch mv..haha
Haha... I like reading...maybe that makes me a nerd...(@^_^@)
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