When u are in my profession long enough, you would have heard the phrase 'you're hot,you're so jonah'...
It is never meant to be a compliment
Instead, in my profession, if a person tells u that you are hot, it does not physically means u have a hot bod like Jessica Alba. It simply means, when you are on duty, there will be a lot of patients, a lot of incidents...a lot
It's weird, but there are really certain people who are generally HOT. Whenever they are working, the wards will be full with patients, there will be unstable cases, desaturation, you name it, they've got it
And there are people who are labelled as 'cold'. And true enough, you can happily have a good night's sleep if you happen to be on duty with them overnight
And there is the myth about wearing red
Now, this myth, i was kinda skeptical about it.
I mean, there is no scientific proof definitely
Only God knows why we should't wear red during oncalls.
This myth, passed down from generations before me, state that 'Thou shalt not wear red, or thou shalt perish'
No red means no red shirts/ pants/ jacket/ socks/ shoes/ bra/ panties/ boxers/ briefs...
Even if your fiery red undies are concealed under thick layers of black clothing, it will shine through....
I am generally a neutral person... my calls are quite unpredictable
Now i am at accident and emergency, where sometimes, you won't want too many things to happen at the same time
I had been having pretty good shifts lately...i mean, hell, i was able to lepak at the canteen too...
So yesterday, before i went for my night duty, i, for God knows what reason, decided to put on a red t shirt... In order for me not to be cursed by all my paramedics, i concealed my t shirt under an all black sweater...
And, the red took effect. I had the worst call ever. Basically, it was a small disaster at the casualty...i had 7 patients who came in with different injuries of different magnitude, all from the same accident...it was bad, and now i believe that no way you should wear red during your duty, seriously, no way...
Red= danger
Red= hot hot HOT
*but i like red*
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