Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Favorite Book

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

I randomly picked up this book 2 years ago at Popular bookstore in KK
I still remember that I just finished my end of posting exam and was gonna spend my one week holiday in KK itself. I needed something to read, to occupy my time

There was no particular reason that I chose the book

I finished reading it in 2 days time
The powerful words just kept me captivated, and I couldn't stop reading.

People, this is THE book to read

My Sister's Keeper

A story about love, responsibility, and about who is to judge what is right or wrong, about truth, about a mother's love
It is a mixture of medical facts, courtroom drama and family conflicts

This is my favorite book
"I want to sue them for the rights to my own body."

This is a story about Anna, a 13 year old girl who had one day decided to sue her parents. She was concieved as a bone marrow match for her sister who has leukemia. One day she suddenly wonder about her purpose of living...Is she as loved as her sister? Or is she just a vessel for her sister's living?

This book is amazing
This book is about moral dilemma
The storyline is tense, emotional and full of insight
It is a heartbreaking story and will leave readers with tears

I strongly recommend this book to anybody who is looking for something to read
Trust me, you will love the story

The movie is coming out soon this year... starring Cameron Diaz and Abigail Breslin
I read that the story will be altered, but still captivating as the book
I hope I won't be disappointed by the movie coz was anticipating it since the announcement of its making

My Sister's Keeper is a must-read, trust me

"I take her with me, wherever I go" (My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult)


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